PR & Marketing

Our extensive network of all kinds of media, is one of our biggest advantages. We can support you in preparing PR calendars, we provide ongoing media representation, we fine-tune your brand story, write media releases, initiate interviews, organise group media trips accompanied by Check-in PR and +/- 4 media titles as well as individual media trips. In addition to this work, we have weekly media meetings with the press, visit and organise events / trade meetings and, finally, we set up out-of-the-box PR promotions to suit the client's needs and like to think about joint promotion marketing activities.

360° Strategieën

We believe in an overall communication strategy. Offline and online. Marketing activities support the PR strategy and vice versa. A 360° strategy is essential to reach the target group in the most effective way. We create appropriate social media strategies, come up with unique content and/or sponsored posts. We also share the posts on Check-in PR's social media. We will always look for new marketing possibilities and opportunities (such as new medium channels and new strategies). The goal of our work is to generate 360° media coverage among the best media outlets for the brands we work for. Of course, we also provide online and offline clipping reports.

Personal Relations

We transform Public Relations into Personal Relations. Check-in PR has experience in all areas of this work and we believe in building long-term relationships with bloggers, journalists and influencers by speaking to them on a weekly basis. Our extensive network in the media helps us generate (free) publicity for the brands we represent.


Besides approaching media and consumers, we specialise in representing our clients in the B2B field. This includes events for tour operators, travel agents, MICE, FAM trips, roadshows, sales calls and joint promotion advertising campaigns. Especially in these times, it is important to respond to the organisation of online webinars and workshops.